الخميس، 2 يونيو 2011

طريقة الربح مع تويتر

The contents of the course:
Video 01: Welcome In this video I introduce you to Stephen & myself and one of our Twitter accounts. Let's get acquainted!
Twitter Tutorials Video 02: What is Twitter? In video 02 I explain the social networking phenomenon known as Twitter and how it is used in your business. We will cover some of basic things you should know prior to setting up a Twitter account. Don't worry, it is completely painless and you'll thank me in the morning.
Twitter Tutorials Video 03: Setting Up Our Twitter Account In this video we will cover the steps involved in creating & setting up our Twitter account. This is the getting started video. "I'll show you what you need to know to what you should use, and what type of account you should get.
Twitter Tutorials Video 04: Creating Our Twitter Background In this video we'll show you how to create your Twitter background. What your people will see, and why you want to make sure that the right information is in front of those visiting your Twitter page. The application we use is free, fast and fun to use.
Twitter Tutorials Video 05: Saving your passwords Now that you have the basics set up, before we move on to all the resources we use to maximize Twitter, we'll give you a free password tool to keep everything organized. We will cover, what's the best system for you, and how to download it - and it's FREE! The worst feeling is to set up accounts and forget the login details ... and it happens to the best of us. We won't let it happen to you.
Twitter Tutorials Video 06: How To Set Up your Twitter Profile & Settings Your profile and your setting are important. In video 06 we are going to cover just a few easy steps to get set up quickly - and I mean QUICKLY. Did I mention this is so simple and quick I LOVE teaching this part? Really - under 5 minutes you'll have a great profile and the right settings in place.
Twitter Tutorials Video 07: Automate your Twitter ... In Video 07 we will put the rubber to the road and start using Twitter. We will look at the best option to automate your Twitter account. How do people send out those automatic messages once someone starts following you? How do you automatically follow someone who follows you? How do you automatically un-follow someone who un-follows you?
Twitter Tutorials Video 08: Twitter on your desktop In video 08 we are going to introduce you to a tool that will keep you happy. It will bring twitter to your desktop allowing you to just keep up with your account in a few short minutes a day. This tool will help you connect to, build up and keep track of all your incoming tweets, as well as sending out a tweet without logging into Twitter.com.
Twitter Tutorials Video 09: How To Combine Blogging & Twitter This video will introduce you to & show you how to use a blog that you can post messages to - that will automatically post it to your twitter account and send it out as a tweet!! I like to think of this as the "Say more easily" method of tweeting. You know you are so limited to the number of characters you use when you send out a tweet, well this blog that integrates automatically with your Twitter account solves that problem.
Twitter Tutorials Video 10: How To Find Target People to Follow and Follow you Video 10 will show you a resource that I love (yes it's FREE) for finding people. Imagine finding the people that are interested in your same niche and following them. The search is so easy with this resource.
Twitter Tutorials Video 11: Build your following 100 people at a time Video 11 will introduce you to a resource that will allow you to add 100 targeted people to follow at a time! Easy - Fun - and a big money maker for you! Imagine that you have found a person that people follow and you'd like to swipe all of their followers and have them follow you! This is the GOLD MINE video in the series.
Twitter Tutorials Video 12: Twitter Directories In video 12 you will learn how to add yourself to one of the hottest Twitter directories around. If you want people to find you - this is the place to list yourself in. And of course - this is the place to find other people to follow as well. Imagine knowing who has the most followers in YOUR niche! This will help you to find that. Yes, Yes ... it's another free resource!
Twitter Tutorials Video 13: Twitter Fun Time In this video you will learn a dirty little secret. The right Twitter system can make you money while you sleep. Put the system in place and your website never goes to sleep. The client can purchase on your website and the product gets sent to them automatically. Every morning just login to the back office to see how much you've made!
Twitter Tutorials Video 14: Finding the hot Tweeters In this video you will learn how easy it is to find celebrity tweeters. Who has the most followers overall? Imagine knowing the top 100 people on Twitter! And yes you can follow them all.
Twitter Tutorials Video 15: A hot tool to follow / unfollow In this video you will learn a hot tool that we use to follow people, un-follow people and we use it to manage multiple account. I love this one because I set it and walk away ... and it keeps working for me. This one makes you feel like you've got an assistant working at your computer while you're out to lunch!
Twitter Tutorials Video 16: You're not following me? In this video you will learn why you should un-follow people that are not following you. We show you how to easily do it - and why it's a must ...
Twitter Tutorials Video 17: Protecting Your updates If you have a membership program, or have updates that you want to make private - lets say to your virtual team, or to a group of people at work, this one little tip will show you how to make that happen! I love this because I truly can say the information I tweet about when I use private updates are for a select few!
Twitter Tutorials Video 18 & 19: Hello - I'm here In videos 18 & 19 you will learn how tell the search engines that your twitter page is out there ... now they will be able to find you. you can find my twitter page when you search for my name in Google! Can you find yours? Probably not yet - but you will when you use this simple tool.
Twitter Tutorials Video 20: Driving traffic to your Twitter page In this video you will learn a dirty little secret. Posting your twitter page on someone else's highly trafficked blog helps you to siphon their traffic to your twitter page. We'll show you a great blog to steal traffic from and how easy it is to do it.
Twitter Tutorials Video 21: Twitter url In video 21 you will learn how to have an easy to remember domain name that you can send people to that takes them to your twitter page. Stephen's is Www.stephenontwitter.com . If you don't have one - you need one. We tell you why and show you how to make it happen.
Twitter Tutorials Video 22: Cool Tool In video 22 you will be able to download a cool tool that will keep a lof of these twitter resources in front of you. Yes ... it's another free resource

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